B&M Quality Care Program
B&M Livestock takes pride in our high-quality cattle care program. Each group of cattle has different feed requirements at different times of the year.
One major thing that makes our cattle operation different and is not necessarily just our feeding process but often overlooked is water. Water is a vital source of life. Our cattle are always offered fresh, clean water from automatic waters. The Tru-Test and Drinking Post automatic water units provide fresh, clean water at all times of the year and are essential to our heards overall health and growth.
Our cattle are raised on high-quality pasture grass that is occasionally replanted and fertilized to produce high-quality forage. We frequently rotate cattle to different pastures to keep the pasture fresh and full for optimal forage.
All cattle also have access to high-quality hay year-round. When pastures are full and thick, they do not consume as much, but it is always there if they should want it. In addition to hay, our cattle have access to high-quality, free-choice Purina minerals. These minerals are a vital source of nutrition and work similarly to what vitamins do for humans.
Before processing, our steers are placed on a three-part finishing process of quality Purina feed and corn once they reach a specific size. This process is a custom blended feed that changes some as they grow and reach their finishing weights. This process creates a nice layer of flavorful, buttery fat on the beef. As steers reach the optimal finishing weight, they are weighed weekly to ensure they reach their full potential but are not excessively fatty. We want to sell quality, not over-fed beef, where you pay for excessive fat. The fat should complement the meat with grain-finished beef, and we stand behind our practices to offer our customers the best product available to them from our farm to their table.